
The Item resource is used to retrieve an existing item record from EPASS. In EPASS, items are parts or accessories that are sold to customers or used by service technicians.

Retrieve an Item Record

GET /items/item

This endpoint returns the attributes of a specific item.


Name Description
code Required. The item code. In EPASS, this is entered in the Item field of an item’s record and has a maximum of 20 characters.

Sample: Retrieving an item record

GET /items/item?code=110

  "Result": {
    "Success": true,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 0,
    "GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 record",
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Values": [
      "Fields": {
        "ID": 1951,
        "Link": "",
        "UpdateImportPricing": true,
        "ShippingMethodCode": "",
        "PrintLabels": true,
        "Weight": 0.0,
        "Height": 0.0,
        "Length": 0.0,
        "Width": 0.0,
        "UpdateMinMaxOnImport": true,
        "WebFeatured": false,
        "WebAccessory": false,
        "WebMisc": false,
        "SalePrice": 0.0,
        "SaleStartDate": null,
        "SaleEndDate": null,
        "ABCRating": "",
        "Active": true,
        "AutoRecalcList": false,
        "AverageCost": 0.0,
        "Barcode": "",
        "BinLocationCode": "",
        "BrandCode": "AEG",
        "Code": "110",
        "Color": "",
        "CommentCode": "",
        "DateCreated": "2022-01-13T00:00:00",
        "DateModified": null,
        "Description": "TEST",
        "EOQ": 0,
        "Equivalent": "",
        "Field1": "",
        "Field2": "",
        "Field3": "",
        "Field4": "",
        "Field5": "",
        "InventoryTypeCode": "",
        "LandedCost": 0.0,
        "LandingFactor": 0.0,
        "LastCost": 0.0,
        "LastDateOrdered": null,
        "LastDateReceived": null,
        "LastDateSold": null,
        "LastUpdateDateTime": "2022-01-13 13:49:40",
        "ListPrice": 0.0,
        "LocMax": 0,
        "LocMin": 0,
        "LocQOH": 0,
        "LocYTD": 0,
        "MainStockMax": 0,
        "MainStockMin": 0,
        "MainStockQOH": 0,
        "MainStockYTD": 0,
        "ManufacturersWarranty": 0,
        "MarkupCode": "",
        "MfgReturned": 0,
        "MiscCode": "",
        "Note": "",
        "Obsolete": false,
        "OrderRatioInventory": 1,
        "OrderRatioPurchasing": 1,
        "OriginalCost": 0.0,
        "PicturePath": "",
        "PriceTag": "",
        "ProductCode": "11001",
        "ReplacementCost": 0.0,
        "ReplacementCostEffectiveDate": null,
        "ResizePicture": false,
        "SKU": "",
        "Stock": true,
        "Substituted": false,
        "Supplier1Code": "00186",
        "Supplier1Cost": 0.0,
        "Supplier2Code": "",
        "Supplier2Cost": 0.0,
        "Supplier3Code": "",
        "Supplier3Cost": 0.0,
        "Tax1": false,
        "Tax1CostList": "List",
        "Tax1Included": false,
        "Tax1Percentage": 0.0,
        "Tax2": true,
        "Tax3": true,
        "TotalLastYear": 0,
        "TotalPrevLastYear": 0,
        "TotalQOO": 0,
        "TotalReserved": 0,
        "UnitOfMeasureCode": "",
        "UserCreated": "CHRIS",
        "UserModified": ""

Item not found.

Search for an Item

POST /items/search

This endpoint searches and returns the attributes of an item. You can search for an item by any of it’s attributes.

Sample: Searching for an Item

POST /items/search
    "query": {
        "fieldName": "ID",
        "eval": "EQUAL",
        "value": "1951"

POST /items/seach 
    "paging": {
        "pageSize": 5,
        "pageStartId": 0
    "query": {
        "fieldName": "code",
        "eval": "between",
        "start": "1",
            "logic": "or",
            "query": {
                "fieldName": "UnitOfMeasureCode",
                "eval": "equal",
                "value": "EA"
                "logic": "or",
                "query": {
                    "fieldName": "Supplier2Code",
                    "eval": "like",
                    "value": "9"
            "logic": "or",
            "query": {
                "fieldName": "Supplier1Code",
                "eval": "like",
                "value": "9"
    "tables": {

  "Results": {
    "Success": true,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 200,
    "GeneralMessage": "Returned 1 records",
    "ExceptionMessage": null,
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Paging": {
    "PageSize": 100,
    "LargestID": 0,
    "PagesRemaining": false
  "Query": {
    "fieldName": "ID",
    "eval": "EQUAL",
    "value": "1951",
    "valueList": null,
    "start": null,
    "end": null
  "SubQuery": [],
  "Item": [
      "Fields": {
        "ID": 1951,
        "Link": "",
        "UpdateImportPricing": true,
        "ShippingMethodCode": "",
        "PrintLabels": true,
        "Weight": 0.0,
        "Height": 0.0,
        "Length": 0.0,
        "Width": 0.0,
        "UpdateMinMaxOnImport": true,
        "WebFeatured": false,
        "WebAccessory": false,
        "WebMisc": false,
        "SalePrice": 0.0,
        "SaleStartDate": null,
        "SaleEndDate": null,
        "ABCRating": "",
        "Active": true,
        "AutoRecalcList": false,
        "AverageCost": 0.0,
        "Barcode": "",
        "BinLocationCode": "",
        "BrandCode": "AEG",
        "Code": "110",
        "Color": "",
        "CommentCode": "",
        "DateCreated": "2022-01-13T00:00:00",
        "DateModified": null,
        "Description": "TEST",
        "EOQ": 0,
        "Equivalent": "",
        "Field1": "",
        "Field2": "",
        "Field3": "",
        "Field4": "",
        "Field5": "",
        "InventoryTypeCode": "",
        "LandedCost": 0.0,
        "LandingFactor": 0.0,
        "LastCost": 0.0,
        "LastDateOrdered": null,
        "LastDateReceived": null,
        "LastDateSold": null,
        "LastUpdateDateTime": "2022-01-13 13:49:40",
        "ListPrice": 0.0,
        "LocMax": 0,
        "LocMin": 0,
        "LocQOH": 0,
        "LocYTD": 0,
        "MainStockMax": 0,
        "MainStockMin": 0,
        "MainStockQOH": 0,
        "MainStockYTD": 0,
        "ManufacturersWarranty": 0,
        "MarkupCode": "",
        "MfgReturned": 0,
        "MiscCode": "",
        "Note": "",
        "Obsolete": false,
        "OrderRatioInventory": 1,
        "OrderRatioPurchasing": 1,
        "OriginalCost": 0.0,
        "PicturePath": "",
        "PriceTag": "",
        "ProductCode": "11001",
        "ReplacementCost": 0.0,
        "ReplacementCostEffectiveDate": null,
        "ResizePicture": false,
        "SKU": "",
        "Stock": true,
        "Substituted": false,
        "Supplier1Code": "00186",
        "Supplier1Cost": 0.0,
        "Supplier2Code": "",
        "Supplier2Cost": 0.0,
        "Supplier3Code": "",
        "Supplier3Cost": 0.0,
        "Tax1": false,
        "Tax1CostList": "List",
        "Tax1Included": false,
        "Tax1Percentage": 0.0,
        "Tax2": true,
        "Tax3": true,
        "TotalLastYear": 0,
        "TotalPrevLastYear": 0,
        "TotalQOO": 0,
        "TotalReserved": 0,
        "UnitOfMeasureCode": "",
        "UserCreated": "CHRIS",
        "UserModified": ""

  "Results": {
    "Success": false,
    "Warning": false,
    "HttpStatusCode": 400,
    "GeneralMessage": null,
    "ExceptionMessage": "Error. Empty Search Field",
    "Keys": [],
    "Messages": [],
    "Warnings": []
  "Paging": {
    "PageSize": 100,
    "LargestID": 0,
    "PagesRemaining": false
  "Query": {
    "fieldName": null,
    "eval": "EQUAL",
    "value": "",
    "valueList": null,
    "start": null,
    "end": null
  "SubQuery": [],
  "Item": []